WATCH OUR Longevity Week Webinar: Social Entrepreneurship - Longevity and the Environment
- Julia Randell-Khan (moderator), Encore Fellows UK’s founder
- Dr Mick Smyer, Founder of Growing Greener, moving people from anxiety to action on climate change
- Marie Conley Smith at the Stanford Center on Longevity’s student entrepreneurship Design Challenge and social entrepreneur
- Sergio Serapiao, Ashoka Fellow from Brazil, CEO of Labora Tech, supporting age diversity in the workplace and engaging corporate stakeholders in the sustainability agenda

Graphic by Robert Carter
Encore Fellows UK brings experienced talent to social sector organisations to help them build capacity and grow. Through short term, paid, high impact projects an experienced person (the Encore Fellow) is matched with a social sector organisation to tackle an operational challenge.
Employers offer the experienced worker a new pathway into purposeful work as they approach retirement. An Encore Fellowship facilitates a productive transition.
Both local communities and our society benefits from creating intergenerational connections.

Since 2009 thousands of Encore Fellows have provided over 2 million hours of service, contributing the equivalent of more than $200 million to non-profit organisations in over 50 metropolitan areas.
A new talent source for social impact.
See details of US impact here.

People are looking for a purposeful transition into the next stage of productive working lives. Employers are looking to expand the range of options for older employees at this important life stage. Charities and non-profit organisations are solving social problems and bridging generational divides. They face major skills shortages often for operational activities.

Encore Fellows UK currently offers fellowship opportunities for people approaching retirement who would like to use their skills and experience in the social sector as part of a purposeful transition to retirement.
Encore Fellows have been sponsored in the US by companies including:


Intergen Lead
Deborah Gale
Deb is a gerontologist researcher. Her focus is on how to optimize our 21st century gift of extended lives. At present, a pervasive poverty of low expectations surrounds ageing. We have a unique opportunity to make choices about how we want to live these longer lives.. She believes we can puncture this inertia and overhaul the decision making process during the midlife transition. This goes hand in hand with fully acknowledging our intergenerational co-dependencies and building upon them. Deb is on deck to to bring Encore Fellows UK to life as Intergen Lead. She is also the Intergen Design Leader for The Age of No Retirement, an affiliate director for the Global Institute for Experienced Entrepreneurship, a research fellow for the Bio Centre on Ethics and the UK lead for a UN task force on women in tech.

Founder & CEO
Julia Randell-Khan
Founder and CEO, Julia Randell-Khan, is an enthusiastic encore career advocate. Finding no road map for her own transition from a long-term career in the legal field into the next phase of life, Julia decided to create one. She set up a forum, Women in Transition, for women at 50+ to share transition experiences and explore new opportunities. Her interest in later life transition led Julia to, the leading non-profit in the encore movement, and their tremendous resources for encore careers. As a Senior Fellow with helping to build global and cross-cultural connections, Julia founded Encore Fellows in the UK to offer experienced workers at 50+ a pathway to encore careers in the social sector.
Julia combines her Encore work with her fellowship at Stanford University’s Center on Longevity working on the New Map of Life™ project and her active role with the Modern Elder Academy.

Andrew J Scott
Advisor, Andrew J Scott, professor of economics at London Business School, has co-authored the global best seller, The 100 Year Life – Living and Working in an Age of Longevity. It outlines how longer lives mean longer working careers and a re-shaping of the life course. He believes that ideas shape the world around us but that talking is not enough and that we need to act urgently as social pioneers so that society can reap the amazing benefits that longevity can offer us an an individual and social level. Through Encore Fellows he thinks companies can take an important first step in helping us adjust and make the most of longer lives.

Media Lead
Laura Walker
Laura Walker is an American from Monterey, California with a background in marketing and project coordination for the US Air Force in Okinawa, Japan and the MIT Center for Finance and Policy in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Her most recently role was in Economics administration for the London Business School. Laura has a masters in marketing and bachelors in business administration from University of San Francisco.

Fellow, Encore Fellows UK
Marek Tribedi

Fellow, Kids Network
Frances Sallah-Brown
HR Professional with proven track record of working with fast-paced organisations to achieve their strategic goals and objectives. Extensive experience of delivering international transformation programmes.
Engaging with management through a communicative approach, I stress the need for partnership building to create a positive working environment for all employees and all stakeholders.
Frances has a BA in Human Resource Management and is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (MCIPD). She is passionate about developing people through coaching and mentoring, to become the best version of themselves.